
I think that when we go to Hollywood Studios at the end of the month I am going to go on the Tower of Terror for the first time.

After we do Rise of the Resistance and Smugglers Run and Toy Story Mania and Mickey and Mini’s Runaway Railroad. Obviously.


Back to Disney World

We are going back to Disney World next month. It’s time to start planning for my film photography needs. I was just on ebay looking for inexpensive medium format cameras… and I am going to stick with the 35mm cameras I have. Yeah… oh well.


Flight Fun

Our Disney World plans for next month hit a small snag yesterday when the airline cancelled our flight home for no apparent reason. We rebooked on a different day and sacrificed our planned day at Animal Kingdom. Everything else is still on track though. Really looking forward to it.

Will I bring the film camera again? Probably. I expect I’ll bring them both on our weekend getaway to Bar Harbor this week first though.



This page was meant to be just posts of images shot on film. Within seconds of opening the page the plan changed to include reblogging everything I post here only my main blog page. A couple of days ago I tried to do that and found that wordpress.com’s reblog functionality isn’t pulling images anymore. I am positive there is a way to do it, but i am too lazy to figure it out.

Assuming the functionality remains as it is now, this page is likely going to die as I just move to posting film images straight to the main page and just ignore this one. I don’t want this page to die though. I think I am going to try to get into the habit of just posting to both pages separately. I don’t know. We’ll see.

What I do know is that I really want to go back into Boston and just walk around and take pics on film. I just don’t want to go alone. I want my beloved bride to come with me and just hang out in the city. I really love it when we do quiet little things like that. Honestly though, I love it when she and I do anything together so if this doesn’t happen it will still be okay because I am just plain crazy about her. How did I get so lucky?

Anyway, here’s a bad picture of a stormtrooper at Galaxy’s Edge in Disney’s Hollywood Studios.
